There is a Petition to Parliament to improve the quality and accountability of Judges in Canada. More important than voting having a voice in our democracy creates a society that reflects our values. All Canadian’s must sign this petition as our Judicial system is NOT operating within it’s constitutional constraints.
The petition closes on May 7th 2021. SIGN this TODAY. It only takes a minute. SHARE this information with ALL of your friends and family.
We are promised in the Charter that Justice will be “fundamental” and in criminal trials also “fair and impartial”. Parliament is supposed to monitor and control the powers of the Judiciary. However the responsibility for the oversight of Judges has been delegated to the Judges. You should read the information on Wikipedia at
In my personal experience I presented to the Court the best evidence possible – the transcript of trial – because a lawyer created a fraudulent court order. The Judge, protecting the lawyer, personally called up the Plaintiff to the witness stand and asked for hearsay evidence and “preferred” that to the transcript.
The Canadian Judicial Council dismissed the complaint as the “weighing of evidence”. I reminded them of their obligations under the Charter but further communication was ignored as was my Freedom of Information Act request. A final complaint about Judges claiming absolute discretion was called an abuse of process and the request to have Parliament determine the legality refused.
I made a Charter of Rights complaint and appealed to Parliament as the only “court of competent jurisdiction” to provide the necessary checks and balances for abuse of powers of the Judiciary. The Attorney General’s Office ignored the appeal and ignored follow up emails until I made a complaint to the Prime Minister’s office which resulted in a reply “we do not provide legal advice to the general public”.
Canadian Judges claim to be above the law and not subject to the Charter of Rights. This is not a position that can be held in a Democracy. Claims for Absolute Power has resulted in human rights abuses for thousands of years. The Judiciary will not back down on this issue unless the people of Canada stand together and firmly refuse their services. We need a legal system in Canada that reflects the values of the Charter of Rights and the needs of Canadians. Sign the petition now. That is the minimum participation required to uphold OUR institutions to OUR values.
The Rule of Law means that the law applies equally to everyone. No one is above the law. Our politicians, police officers, lawyers and judges and wealthy and poor individuals must all obey the law.
Sign the petition NOW.
Write a letter to your MP requesting that the Rule of Law be applied. Speak Out. Protest Immediately. If you require more information contact me at [email protected]. If you want to see the documents that I refer to they are available at